Prix Salem 2016

The Salem Prize 2016 has been awarded to Maryna Viazovska of Berlin Mathematical School and Humboldt University of Berlin for her breakthrough work on densest sphere packings in dimensions 8 and 24 using methods of modular forms.

The prize, in memory of Raphael Salem, is awarded yearly to young researchers for outstanding contributions to the field of analysis.

Previous winners of the Salem Prize include the following mathematicians N. Varopoulos, R. Hunt, Y. Meyer, C. Fefferman, T. K¨orner, E.M. Nikiˇsin, H. Montgomery, W. Beckner, M.R. Herman, S.B. Boˇckar¨ev, B.E. Dahlberg, G. Pisier, S. Pichorides, P. Jones, A.B. Aleksandrov, J. Bourgain, C. Kenig, T. Wolff, N.G. Makarov, G. David, J.L. Journ´e, A.L. Vol’berg, J-C. Yoccoz, S.V. Konyagin, C.McMullen, M. Shishikura, S. Treil, K. Astala, H. Eliasson, M. Lacey, C. Thiele, T. Wooley, F. Nazarov, T. Tao, O. Schramm, S. Smirnov, X. Tolsa, E. Lindenstrauss, K. Soundararajan, B. Green, A. Avila, S.Petermichl, A. Venkatesh, B. Klartag, A. Naor, Nalini Anantharaman, Dapeng Zhan, Julien Dubedat and Lawrence
Guth, Dmitry Chelkak.

The prize committee consisted of J. Bourgain, C. Fefferman, P. Jones, N. Nikolski, G. Pisier and P. Sarnak.

Publié le 05.12.2016