Opening Science with SMF
Since 1873 the Société mathématique de France (SMF) has been editing books and peer-reviews journals in maths combining independence, cheap prices and financial sustainability. The business model is currently moving forward in favor of Open Science in order to make the following actions possible.
- Book series Panoramas & Synthèses, Séminaires & Congrès, Cours Spécialisés are now published under the B2O model (2022).
- The journal Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France is published under the S2O model (2023).
- Book shipping to Africa.
- Free electronic subscriptions are made available for African institutions.
- Book shipping to Ukraine in relation with the International Centre for Mathematics in Ukraine.
- Setting up of a consent to publish.
- French academic publishers are gathering into a consortium that consists of SMF, Mersenne Centre, SMAI, SFDS, RNBM and CCSD ;
- Launching of the prize Jean-Pierre Demailly for Open Science in Mathematics jointly with Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, SFDS and SMAI.
These developments represent a wager for the scientific publishing activity of the SMF and are supported by the CNRS. We are confident that you will lend your support to them:
- joining us and letting others join us as well;
- considering buying our books and let relatives or colleagues doing the same;
- promoting SMF journals subscription among the institutions you’re from;
- and last but not least: publishing your work by Société Mathématique de France !