Instructions to authors

Some clues before submitting an article.

Voir la version française

Submitted papers

Submitted papers, written either in English or French, should be written using LaTeX with the smfart or smfbook class, available on the SMF website, or with any standard class.

Accepted papers

If their paper is accepted for publication, the authors will have to send:

  • all LaTex files including figure files and bibliography files, if any (we prefer the use of a BibTeX file for the bibliography) as well as a pdf file. We remind you that your files must contain a text that is mathematically identical to the accepted version. We kindly ask you to make sure that all necessary macros are sent;
  • your titles in French and English;
  • your French and English abstracts;
  • the AMS classification of your paper;
  • a short title, if your title is too long;
  • the keywords (in French and English) of your paper.

The authors will receive pages proofs for validation.

Authors retain the right to distribute their author accepted manuscript (AAM),  such as via an institutional and/or subject repository (e.g. arXiv or HAL), under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence for release no later than the date of first online publication. This is in accordance with the SMF publishing agreement.