Call for application
Demailly prize Open Science

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The Société Mathématique de France, the SMAI* and the SFdS**, in association with the Epijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, have decided to create the "Jean-Pierre Demailly Prize for Open Science in Mathematics". This biennial prize, to be awarded for the first time in 2024, will recognize a project that contributes to open science in mathematics, whether in scientific publishing, collaboration between mathematicians, or free software in mathematics. The prize aims to further highlight the importance of these issues, as well as emphasizing contributions for the benefit of the scientific community as a whole, rather than individual successes.

* Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles.
** Société Française de Statistiques.


Jury for the 2024 edition:

Merieme Chadid, President of UNESCO's International Scientific Council, co-president of the jury with Timothy Gowers;
Julie Delon, Associate Editor, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (SIIMS) and Image Processing On Line (IPOL) Journal;
Mouhamed Moustapha Fall, Director of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), Senegal;
Timothy Gowers, founder of the PolyMaths project and the journal Discrete Analysis, initiator of the petition "The cost of knowledge", Fields Medal laureate in 1998, co-president of the jury with Merieme Chadid;
Andrea Lopez, Sales Director for Annual Reviews, active member of Subscribe to Open Community of Practice;
Violaine Louvet, research engineer at CNRS, in charge of publications, data and codes at Grenoble University;
Alejandro Maass, Director of the Centre de Relations Internationales pour la Modélisation Mathématique (IRL-CNRS) and Ambassador Chargé de mission at the CNRS;
Alex Scorpan, Director of Mathematical Sciences Publishers (MSP);
Christoph Sorger, Editor-in-Chief of Annales Henri Lebesgue, former Director of INSMI;
Dan Timotin, Deputy Director of the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, editor of two Romanian mathematical journals.

Prize rules

How to apply ?


Application deadline:
February 29, 2024

Publié le 09.12.2023