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2021 Congrès AMS-SMF-EMS Appel à projets pour les sessions

Le congrès AMS-EMS-SMF sera organisé en 2021 à Grenoble, France du 5 au 9 juillet 2021. L'appel d'offres pour l'organisation de sessions est ouvert. Les détails (en anglais) sont donnés ci-dessous.

Michel L. Lapidus, Associate Secretary responsible for the 2021 Joint AMS-SMF-EMS International Mathematics Meetings (JIM) in Grenoble, France, along with the AMS-SMF-EMS Program Committee for the meeting (whose membership is listed at the end of this call), solicits proposals for Special Sessions (i.e., Mini-Symposia) for this meeting (to be held from Monday, July 5 through Friday, July 9, 2021, at the Université de Grenoble, Alpes). (AMS=American Mathematical Society, SMF=Société Mathématique de France, EMS=European Mathematical Society.)


Each proposal must include:

1. the name, affiliation, and e-mail address of each organizer, with one organizer designated as the contact person for all communications about the session.

It is required that at least one of the organizers be affiliated with a US institution and at least another one be affiliated with a French institution. Other organizers can be affiliated with institutions from any country in the world, including, of course, other European countries

2. the title and a brief (two or three paragraphs) description of the topic of the proposed special session;

3. a sample list of speakers (along with their institutions) whom the organizers plan to invite. (It is not necessary to have received confirmed commitments from these potential speakers.)


Proposals for Special Sessions should be sent by e-mail to Prof. Lapidus (lapidus@math.ucr.edu) and must be received by the deadline for organizers, April 15, 2020. Late proposals will not be considered. No decisions will be made on Special Session proposals until after the submission deadline has passed [with the possible exception of Special Sessions explicitly associated with (and approved for) one of the plenary addresses].


Depending on the availability of rooms at the meeting, Special Sessions will, in general, be allotted between 5 and 12 hours (possibly more) in which to schedule speakers. To enable maximum movement of participants between sessions, organizers must schedule each speaker for either a) a 20-minute talk, 5-minute discussion and 5-minute break; or b) a 40-minute talk, 10-minute discussion and 10-minute break. Any combination of 20-minute and 40-minute talks is permitted, but all talks should begin and end at the scheduled time.  (In particular, all the talks should start on the hour or half-hour, in order to facilitate movement between the special sessions.)


The number of Special Sessions on the program is limited and not all proposals can be accepted. Furthermore, a large number of high-quality proposals is expected.  Therefore, please be sure to submit as informative and convincing a proposal as possible for review by the Program Committee.  We aim to notify organizers whether their proposal has been accepted by June 15, 2020.  Following that deadline, specific additional instructions will be given to the contact persons of the accepted Special Sessions. 


Potential organizers are strongly encouraged to consult the AMS Manual for Special Session Organizers at: www.ams.org/meetings/specialsessionmanual.html, in its entirety.

On behalf of the AMS-SMF-EMS Program Committee for the JIM in Grenoble, whose membership is as follows:


AMS: Michel Lapidus (University of California, Riverside, USA), Hee Oh (Yale University, New Haven, USA), Bjorn Poonen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA, Chair of the Program Committee);


SMF: Marie-Claude Arnaud [Université Paris Diderot (and Université d’Avignon), France], Jean-Pierre Demailly (Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble Alpes, France),  Clotilde Fermanian (Université Paris Est, France) ;


EMS:  Radha Kessar (City University of London, UK, England), Claudia Klüppelberg (Technische Universität München (TUM), Munich, Germany), Nicolas Higham (University of Manchester, UK, England).


Please send any queries, correspondence or proposals to Michel L. Lapidus (MLL), and not to any other member of the Program Committee (unless, of course, you have received a direct solicitation from those members). The official proposals themselves should only be sent to MLL. Thank you. Finally, for information, the list of plenary speakers for the JIM Grenoble can be found on the AMS website for the meeting (as well as, later, on its SMF and EMS mirror sites).



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