Prix 2O2O de l'EMS
Prix Félix Klein, Prix Otto Neugebauer

Nous avons le plaisir et l'honneur de vous informer que les prix 2020 de l'EMS ont récompensé

  • Karim Adiprasito (Hebrew University of Jerusalem / University of Copenhagen)

  • Ana Caraiani (Imperial College London)

  • Alexander Efimov (Steklov, Moscow)

  • Simion Filip (Chicago)

  • Aleksandr Logunov (Princeton)

  • Kaisa Matomäki (Turku)

  • Phan Thành Nam (LMU Munich)

  • Joaquim Serra (ETH Zurich)

  • Jack Thorne (Cambridge)

  • Maryna Viazovska (EPFL, Lausanne)

Ces prix sont attribués, selon la formulation de l'EMS, “to young researchers not older than 35 years, of European nationality or working in Europe, in recognition of excellent contributions in  mathematics.”

Le lauréat 2020 du prix Félix Klein est

  • Arnulf Jentzen (University of Münster)

Le prix Félix Klein est attribué "to a scientist, or a group of at most three scientists, under the age of 38 for using sophisticated methods to give an outstanding solution, which meets with the complete satisfaction of industry, to a concrete and difficult industrial problem.”

  • La lauréate 2020 du prix Otto Neugebauer est 

Karine Chemla (Université de Paris et CNRS)

Le prix Otto Neugebauer est attribué "for highly original and influential work in the field of history of mathematics that enhances our understanding of either the development of mathematics or a particular mathematical subject in any period and in any geographical region.”


Publié le 11.05.2020