Open letter from Ukrainian mathematical societies against the war of Russia in Ukraine

Le 1er mars 2022, les sociétés savantes Ukrainiennes de mathématiques ont adressé à leurs homologues d'autres pays une lettre ouverte dénonçant l'agression russe envers l'Ukraine et suggérant un certain nombre de mesures à l'encontre de la Russie.

The whole world witnessed how on February 24, the president of Russia Putin started a military invasion of Ukraine, which is a blatant act of aggression on a neighbouring democratic country.

The Russian army is shelling residential areas of our cities from Russia, Belarus, occupied Crimea and Transdniestrian region, killing civilians and destroying infrastructure. These actions are an attack not only on Ukraine but also on those values and freedoms that, we hope, the whole mathematical community share with us.

Many mathematicians have participated in the conferences held in Ukraine. This year, we planned to organize several international conferences and hoped to welcome our colleagues from all around the world. Unfortunately, now their organization is impossible, as most of our fellow mathematicians have to defend this country in any possible way, helping the army and civilians. They do what they can.

We also ask you to do everything you can do:

  1. Make an open statement about the strict disapproval of the Russian military aggression and a call for peace.
  2. Suspend all official collaboration with Russia. Simply moving the IMC from Saint Petersburg is not, under the current circumstances, an adequate response one would expect of the mathematical world upholding the values of free civilization! Many mathematicians in Russia do not support the war but they are scared to be seized by the police for any protest action. However, at the same time, many of our soldiers and fellow mathematicians sacrifice their lives protecting the country. Russian mathematicians must understand that Putin’s military aggression destroys Russia’s future.
  3. Support the appeal to NATO to protect our sky
  4. Urge your governments to impose strict sanctions on Russia and suspend all export of high-tech products
  5. Please support Ukrainian Army or Ukrainian Red Cross
  6. Many Ukrainians in your countries collect medical supplies and essential things for women with children who fled from the areas of military actions, who remain there, or who became refugees; please help them in any way you can
  7. Contact other members of your communities, spread the call for support of Ukraine and help us to stop the war!

Thank you for your involvement!

By helping protect Ukraine, you will help to protect the whole civilized world!


On behalf of the Ukrainian mathematicians

Yuriy Drozd, President of the Ukrainian Mathematical Society
Yevhen Khruslov, President of the Kharkiv Mathematical Society
Sergiy Maksymenko, President of the Kyiv Mathematical Society
Olena Karlova, President of the Chernivtsi Mathematical Society
Rostyslav Hryniv, President of the Lviv Mathematical Society

Publié le 03.03.2022