La SMF écrit au bagne où est détenu Azat Miftakhov
Malgré une libération prévue le mois prochain, le jeune mathématicien russe subit des conditions de détention de plus en plus difficiles.
Director Zykov:
As the head of the French Mathematical Society I am writing to you to express our society's concern about the safety and well being of Miftakhov, Azat Fanisovich (born 1993), currently detained at Correctional Colony 17.
The French Mathematical Society (Société Mathématique de France, SMF) has been founded in 1872 and is one of the oldest mathematical learned societies in the world. It is also ready to stand up for mathematicians at risk, including students, around the world.
The case of Azat Miftakhov has drawn our attention and raised our concern since its very beginning, namely Miftakhov's arrest on February 1st, 2019.
When Miftakhov was convicted in January 2021, the SMF wrote to the President of the Russian Federation; this initiative of ours was far from isolated, and Miftakhov's case has gained a wide support from academics and mathematical societies all around the world, triggering media coverage in many nations. And we have been following the case of Azat Miftakhov with constant scrutiny since.
Currently at Correctional Colony 17, Miftakhov is scheduled to be released on parole in September 2023. We are however concerned by recent reports about increasingly severe and frequent punishments that Miftakhov received this July.
In particular, Miftakhov is to spend a whole month in PKT-isolation. According to his lawyers, alleged reasons would include prohibited items found during searches and incorrect wearing of the uniform, but neither seems to be Miftakhov's own doing. In addition to the isolation punishment, his access to required medical items is insufficient despite health problems.
We urge you to respect Miftakhov's rights and to ensure his lawful and respectful treatment while at the Correctional Colony 17. We are particularly worried whether Miftakhov is receiving all the necessary medical care.
The SMF is eagerly looking forward to Azat Miftakhov's release, so that he can return to his mathematical studies and research.
Fabien Durand
Président de la Société Mathématique de France
Président de la Société Mathématique de France
Publié le 13.08.2023