The SMF, an international publishing house

The French Mathematical Society edits and publishes several mathematical journals and collections of books that are internationally recognized.

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A long-lasting publishing house

The SMF  has published  mathematical articles since 1873, when the first SMF Bulletin was published.

An active publishing house

Today, the SMF publishes several journals and book collections. Its publications are open to the international mathematical community. From Astérisque to the Revue d'Histoire des Mathématiques, from Documents Mathématiques to Bulletin et Mémoires, from Cours Spécialisés to Panoramas & Synthèses, a wide variety of facets of mathematics is highlighted. The quality of the selected texts  is a guarantee of their durability; the  journals and books  of the SMF are world-famous references still quoted decades after their publication.

Our editorial professional values
  • The SMF is a non-for-profit association, so is our publishing house.
  • Peer-review is ensured by our editorial boards composed by many experts, whose quality of the refereeing work has to be emphasized, with particular attention given to long texts, with respect for the authors and the referees anonymity.
  • Quality of the documents provided is essential, and great attention is payed to the layout and proofreading of the texts.
  • The collections are freely accessible, except for recent years period (five or ten years) where access is restricted to subscribers. All collections are freely accessible on the Numdam server and on the European EuDML library.
  • The SMF has adhered to the Code of Practice drafted by the Ethics Committee of the European Mathematical Society.
Opening Science with SMF

Since 1873, the SMF has been publishing books and mathematics journals, combining independence, moderate prices, and economic sustainability.  The economic model of the SMF is currently evolving to support initiatives in favor of open science.

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