Recherche et Enseignement Supérieur - Vues depuis l'étranger
- "Education and training", site de la communauté européenne.
- Janvier 2011 : "The Grim Threat to British Universities", Simon Head, about the funding process in British and US universities.
- Novembre 2009 : "Cuts will cost British universities their international reputations", Polly Curtis, The Guardian.
- Septembre 2009 :
- "Pointless" university studies to be weeded out by new government panel", Polly Curtis, The Guardian.
- "Strikes Sweep French Universities", Allyn Jackson, AMS Notices.
- Avril 2009 :
- "President Sarkozy, La Princesse de Clèves, and the crisis in the French higher education system" Briggs, Oxford Magazine, Second Week, Trinity Term.
- "Universities exploding in anger", John C. Mullen University World News.
- "Protest in perpetual motion", Agnès Poirier, The Guardian.
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