Bulletin de la SMF : articles acceptés
Papers to be published


  • A new model of dg-categories - Elena Dimitriadis Bermejo - accepté le 24/06/2024

  • A spectral resolution of the large sieve - Olivier Ramaré - accepté le 29/06/2024

  • Stokes structure of mild difference modules - Yota Shamoto - accepté le 9/07/2024

  • Universal invariants, the Conway polynomial and the Casson-Walker-Lescop invariant - Adrien Casejuane, Jean-Baptiste Meilhan - accepté le 09/07/2024

  • Intertwining operators in the Takeda-Wood isomorphism - Fei Chen, Wen-Wei Li - accepté le 09/07/2024

  • Logarithmic differentials on discretely ringed adic spaces - Katharina Hübner - accepté le 18/09/2024

  • Crystalline cohomology of rigid analytic spaces - Haoyang Guo - accepté le 24/09/2024

  • On the computation of the difference Galois groups of order three equations - Thomas Dreyfus, Marina Poulet - accepté le 9/10/24

  • Nakano Positivity of direct image sheaves of adjoint line bundles with mild singularities - Yongpan Zou - accepté le 9/10/24

  • On the stable norm of slit tori and the Farey sequence - Pablo Montealegre - accepté le 9/10/24

  • An application of p-adic integration to the dynamics of a birational transformation preserving a fibration - Federico Lo Bianco - accepté le 10/10/2024

  • Dynamics of several rigid bodies in a two-dimensional ideal fluid and convergence to vortex systems - Olivier Glass, Franck Sueur - accepté le 4/11/2024

  • Forms on Berkovich spaces based on harmonic tropicalizations - Walter Gubler, Joseph Rabinoff, Philipp Jell - accepté le 05/11/2024

  • Syzygies of some rational homogeneous varieties - Zhi Jiang - accepté le 26/11/2024

  • Lubin-Tate generalizations of the $p$-adic Fourier transform - Laurent Berger - accepté le 26/11/2024

  • Average diffusion rate of Ehrenfest Wind-Tree billards - Simon Barazer - accepté le 31/01/2025

  • On the influence of the Galois group structure on the Chebyshev bias in number field - Mounir Hayani - accepté le 18/02/2025

  • Fixed point theorems for topological contractions and the Hutchinson operator - Michal Morayne, Robert Ralowski - accepté le 18/02/2025

  • Distinctness of two pseudo-Anosov maps - Thomas A. Schmidt, Mesa Walker - accepté le 24/03/2025

  • Decomposition matrices for category O of rational Cherednik algebras - Emily Norton - accepté le 24/03/2025

  • Dynamics of helical vortex filaments in non viscous incompressible flows - Martin Donati, Christophe Lacave, Evelyne Miot - accepté le 24/03/2025