Mémoires : articles acceptés
Papers to be published


  • Global nonlinear stability of Minkowski space for spacelike-characteristic initial data - Olivier Graf - accepté le 21/03/2023

  • S-integral quadratic forms and homogeneous dynamics - Irving Calderon - accepté le 25/04/2023

  • Iwasawa theory of twists of elliptic modular forms over imaginary quadratic fields at inert primes - Kazim Büyükboduk et Antonio Lei - accepté le 9/06/2023

  • Espaces FC(g(F)) et endoscopie - Jean-Loup Waldspurger - accepté le 20/06/2023

  • Restrictions, L-parameters and Local Coefficients for Genuine Representations - Freydoon Shahidi, Fan Gao, Dani Szpruch - accepté le 26/07/2023

  • From homotopy links to stratified homotopy theories - Sylvain Douteau, Lukas Waas - accepté le 24/08/2023

  • Time quasi-periodic vortex patches for quasi-geostrophic shallow-water equations - Taoufik Hmidi, Emeric Roulley - accepté le 29/08/2023

  • Potential theory and $\mathbb{Z}^d$-extensions - Damien Thomine - accepté le 17/01/2024

  • Fluid dynamic limit of Boltzmann equation for granular hard-spheres in a nearly elastic regime - Ricardo Alonso, Isabelle Tristani, Bertrand Lods - accepté le 13/02/2024

  • Coorbit spaces associated to quasi-Banach function spaces and their molecular decomposition - Jordy Timo van Velthoven, Felix Voigtlaender - accepté le 23/02/2024

  • Uniform regularity in the low Mach number and inviscid limits for the full Navier-Stokes system in domains with boundaries - Changzhen Sun - accepté le 26/02/2024

  • Arithmetic intersection theory over adelic curves - Huayi Chen, Atsushi Moriwaki - accepté le 21/03/2024

  • Bilinear Strichartz estimates and almost sure global solutions for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation - Nicolas Burq, Aurélien Poiret, Laurent Thomann - accepté le 07/05/2024

  • Réduction de dimension pour des opérateurs semi-classiques à double échelle - Pierig Keraval - accepté le 29/05/2024

  • Generalized principal eigenvalues of space-time periodic, weakly coupled, cooperative, parabolic systems - Léo Girardin, Idriss Mazari - accepté le 11/06/2024

  • Stably diffeomorphic manifolds and the realisation of modified surgery obstructions - Anthony Conway, Diarmuid Crowley, Mark Powell, Joerg Sixt - accepté le 08/07/2024

  • Signaletic operads - Florent Hivert et Vincent Pilaud - accepté le 9/07/2024

  • Sobolev-class asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds and the Yamabe problem - Paul Allen, John M. Lee, David Maxwel - accepté le 09/10/2024

  • Griffiths heights and pencils of hypersurfaces - Thomas Mordant, accepté le 18/02/2025

  • Coorbit spaces associated to quasi-Banach function spaces and their molecular decomposition - Jordy Timo van Velthoven, Felix Voigtlaender, accepté le 23/02/2025