Computation of the topology of a real curve
Computation of the topology of a real curve
Astérisque | 1990

The problem of giving an algorithm for the computation of the topological type of a real curve from its equation has been considered by several authors (P. Gianni and C. Traverso, and more recently in the particular case of non singular curves by D. Arnon and S. Mac Allum). The approach presented here relies on a basic result in real algebraic geometry, Thom's lemma. Our algorithm runs in polynomial time, needs no regularity hypothesis on the curve or on the projection and seems better adapted to situations where the connected components of the curve are small.
L'abonnement correspond aux 8 volumes annuels : 7 volumes d'Astérisque et le volume des exposés Bourbaki de l'année universitaire écoulée.
This subscription corresponds to 8 volumes: 7 volumes of Astérisque plus one volume with the texts of the Bourbaki talks given in the past year.