Géométrie des surfaces K3 : modules et périodes (séminaire Palaiseau)
Géométrie des surfaces K3 : modules et périodes (séminaire Palaiseau)

This set of notes of the Geometry Seminar held at Ecole Polytechnique in the fall of 1981 is devoted to the geometry of K3 surfaces. This subject which has already a long history developed very quickly in recent years. It shows an interesting interplay between techniques of both differential and algebraic geome-try. The period mapping gives a nice parametrization of the moduli space thanks to appropriate Torelli theorems (both local and global). These notes include also a simplified proof of the fact that any K3 surface is kahlerian ( a theorem of Y.T.Siu). Examples of higher dimensional complex manifolds with vanishing first Chern class generalizing appropriately K3 surfaces are also presented. These notes have been kept as self-contained as possible in order to make the subject accessible to non-specialists.