A type $III_ {\lambda}$ factor with core isomorphic to the von Neumann algebra of a free group, tensor $B(H)$

A type $III_ {\lambda}$ factor with core isomorphic to the von Neumann algebra of a free group, tensor $B(H)$

  • Année : 1995
  • Tome : 232
  • Format : Électronique
  • Langue de l'ouvrage :
  • Class. Math. : 46L10, 46L50
  • Pages : 203-209
  • DOI : 10.24033/ast.319

We construct a type $III$ factor by using the free product construction introduced by Voiculescu and show that its core is $L(F_{\infty }) \otimes B(H)$. We prove that $M_{2} (C)* L^{\infty}\lbrack 0,1 \rbrack$ is a type $III_ \lambda $ factor if $M_2 (C)$ is endowed with a nontracial state (depending on $\lambda $).

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