Micro-computer Prolog as a handy tool for formal algebraix computations
Micro-computer Prolog as a handy tool for formal algebraix computations
Astérisque | 1990

Prolog is a logic programming language, and its grammar is based on the first order predicate logic. It has in itself an inference mechanism which runs automatically. Since logic and mathematics are near in a naive sense, it is not surprising that sometimes the translation from mathematical formulas to a Prolog program is straightforward and that they look very similar. I will shortly show it by an explicit example. From this point of view, Prolog seems to be a very good language for those mathematicians who are not specialists of computer science and who are not so much interested in learning the details of computer mechanism. But let me first explain the Gelfand-Fuks cohomology of a smooth manifold. My experience on micro-computer Prolog was to compute a part of that cohomology in the sphere case.
L'abonnement correspond aux 8 volumes annuels : 7 volumes d'Astérisque et le volume des exposés Bourbaki de l'année universitaire écoulée.
This subscription corresponds to 8 volumes: 7 volumes of Astérisque plus one volume with the texts of the Bourbaki talks given in the past year.