Exposé Bourbaki 803 : Challenging problems on affine n-space

Exposé Bourbaki 803 : Challenging problems on affine n-space

Exposé Bourbaki 803 : Challenging problems on affine $n$-space
  • Année : 1996
  • Tome : 237
  • Format : Électronique
  • Langue de l'ouvrage :
  • Class. Math. : 14-02-14EXX-14JXX-14LXX-20GXX-13-02
  • Pages : 295-317
  • DOI : 10.24033/ast.359

Complex affine n-space Cn, the basic object of algebraic geometry, offers a number of exciting and striking problems. The most famous one is the still unsolved Jacobian Conjecture. Others are the Cancellation Problem (Does Y×CkCn+k imply that YCn ?), the Linearization Problem (Is every automorphism of Cn of finite order conjugate to a linear automorphism ?), or the Embedding Problem (Are there other embeddings of Cn1 into Cn than the standard ones ?). It turns out that these questions and several others are intimately related and have very interesting connections with problems arising from algebraic group actions and orbit spaces. We give a survey on these problems and discuss some recent progress and examples.

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