Boundary motive, relative motives and extensions of motives

Boundary motive, relative motives and extensions of motives

Boundary motive, relative motives and extensions of motives
  • Consulter un extrait
  • Année : 2013
  • Tome : 41
  • Format : Électronique
  • Langue de l'ouvrage :
  • Class. Math. : 19E15; 14F25, 14F42, 14G35
  • Pages : 143-185

This article contains largely extended notes of a short series of lectures delivered during the École d'été franco-asiatique "Autour des motifs'', which took place at the IHÉS in July 2006. The task which I was assigned was to explain the role of the,boundary motive, and I hope that the present article will make a modest contribution to this effect.

Weight structures, boundary motive, relative motives, intersection motive, interior motive, extensions of motives