Exposé Bourbaki 846 : Harmonic functions on loop groups

Exposé Bourbaki 846 : Harmonic functions on loop groups

Leonard GROSS
Exposé Bourbaki 846 : Harmonic functions on loop groups
  • Année : 1998
  • Tome : 252
  • Format : Électronique
  • Langue de l'ouvrage :
  • Class. Math. : 58G32-22E30-22C05.
  • Pages : 271-286
  • DOI : 10.24033/ast.427

For any compact Lie group $K$, the loop group ${\cal L} \equiv C(S^1; K)$ possesses both a natural gradient operator and a natural probability measure, $\mu$. The associated “Laplacian” in $L^2(\cal L,\mu )$ has been the subject of investigations which are aimed at developing a Hodge–deRham theorem over $\cal L$. The harmonic functions over $\cal L$ have recently been described. The techniques of proof have led to a collection of unitary isomorphisms between functions over $K$, holomorphic functions over the complexification of $K$ and a Hilbert completion of the universal enveloping algebra.

Loop group, loop space, heat kernel analysis, Segal-Bargmann transform, Hall's transform, harmonic functions.

Prix public Public price 10.00 €
Prix membre Member price 7.00 €
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