A geometric inbterpretation of Lannes' functor $T$

A geometric inbterpretation of Lannes' functor $T$

Emmanuel DROR-FARJOUN, Jeffrey SMITH
A geometric inbterpretation of Lannes' functor $T$
  • Année : 1990
  • Tome : 191
  • Format : Électronique
  • Langue de l'ouvrage :
  • Class. Math. : 55S10, 55S37, 55R35, 55T15
  • Pages : 87-95
  • DOI : 10.24033/ast.51

In this paper we give a version of a conjecture of Lannes concerning the mod. $p$ cohomology of the space of maps from $B\mathbb {Z}/p\mathbb {Z}$ to a rather general space $X$. This gives a topological meaning to algebraic functor for modules over the Steenrod algebra, defined by Lannes. That functor has proven very useful in understanding spaces of maps from ifying spaces. As a corollary we get new proofs of several results of Lannes.

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