Maps between $p$-completions of the Clark-Erwing spaces

Maps between $p$-completions of the Clark-Erwing spaces

  • Année : 1990
  • Tome : 191
  • Format : Électronique
  • Langue de l'ouvrage :
  • Class. Math. : 55S37, 55P60, 55P15, 55R35, 55S10
  • Pages : 269-284
  • DOI : 10.24033/ast.58

Lat $\mathbf {Z}_p$ denote the ring of $p$-adic integers. Let $W\subset \mathrm {GL}(n,\mathbf {Z}_p)$ be a finite group such that $p$ does not divide the order of $W$. The group $W$ acts on $K((\mathbf {Z}_p)^n,2)$. Let $X(W,p,n)_p$ be the $p$-completion of the space $K((\mathbf {Z}_p)^n,2)\times _W EW$. We ify homotopy es of maps between spaces $X(W,p,n)_p$.

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