Continuous homology and real homotopy type II
Continuous homology and real homotopy type II
Astérisque | 1990

In our earlier paper “Continuous homology and real homotopy type”, we studied localization of simplicial spaces at the reals ans established an equivalence between the category of free nilpotent differential graded commutative algebras of finite type over the reals. In this paper, we extend these results by eliminating the nilpotent condition on the algebraic side, thus proving a conjecture of Sullivan. The main technical work consists in introducing local coefficients into continuous cohomology, the Serre spectral sequence and the constructions involved in real homotopy type.
L'abonnement correspond aux 8 volumes annuels : 7 volumes d'Astérisque et le volume des exposés Bourbaki de l'année universitaire écoulée.
This subscription corresponds to 8 volumes: 7 volumes of Astérisque plus one volume with the texts of the Bourbaki talks given in the past year.